I have a complicated query that produces almost everything I need to see:
SELECT suppliers_prods.reference,products.id,products.price,products.current,suppliers_prods.price,
suppliers_prods.last_order_amount,DATE_FORMAT(suppliers_prods.last_ordered,"%d-%m-%Y %T") AS supplier_last_ordered,prodtypes.description AS prodtype, DATE_FORMAT(MAX(orders.orderdate),"%d-%m-%Y %T") AS item_last_ordered, SUM(wishlist.qty) AS notify_waiting_qty
FROM products
INNER JOIN prodtypes ON products.prodtype=prodtypes.id
INNER JOIN stock ON products.id=stock.prodid
INNER JOIN suppliers_prods ON suppliers_prods.prodid=products.id
INNER JOIN suppliers ON suppliers_prods.supplierid=suppliers.id
INNER JOIN manufacturers ON products.manufacturer=manufacturers.id
LEFT JOIN wishlist on products.id=wishlist.prodid
LEFT JOIN order_items ON products.id=order_items.itemid
LEFT JOIN orders ON order_items.orderid=orders.id
WHERE products.current = "1" AND suppliers.name = "ICS"
GROUP BY products.id
ORDER BY products.current,stock.total;
The problem is that the field notify_waiting_qty
has the wrong data in it.
I can run the following query:
select suppliers_prods.reference,wishlist.prodid,count(DISTINCT wishlist.custid) as qty
from wishlist
INNER JOIN products ON products.id=wishlist.prodid
INNER JOIN suppliers_prods ON suppliers_prods.prodid=products.id
DATE_ADD(wishlist.date_added,INTERVAL 2 YEAR) >= CURDATE() and
wishlist.notified = "0"
group by wishlist.prodid
This provides me the field QTY which contains the correct information for the field suppliers_prods.reference
The only way I can then combine the data is in Excel: I paste the results from query 1 into sheet 1 of Excel and then query 2 into sheet 2.
Then on the sheet 1 column notify_waiting_qty
using the field suppliers_prods.reference
I do a lookup of sheet2 and find the value for the QTY and put that into sheet
So result from SQL query 1 is (it's a copy of the csv file):
MA-09,2686,15,1,3.11,1.17,0,M1-R3-S4-P2-D1,15,ICS,ICS M4 Hop Up Unit,ICS-MA-09,99,ICS,MA-09,M1-R3-S4-P2-D1,1.17,5.56,1,5.56,15,31/03/2016 15:28,Hopup,15/05/2016 18:40,16378
Result of query 2:
So in my Excel spreadsheet and using Excel commands I can get the MA-09 QTY value of 2 into the MA-09 row field notify_waiting_qty
, resulting in a row containing all the data I need to see:
MA-09,2686,15,1,3.11,1.17,0,M1-R3-S4-P2-D1,15,ICS,ICS M4 Hop Up Unit,ICS-MA-09,99,ICS,MA-09,M1-R3-S4-P2-D1,1.17,5.56,1,5.56,15,31/03/2016 15:28,Hopup,15/05/2016 18:40,2
The Excel statement I use to get the data from sheet 2 to sheet 1 is:
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!$A$1:$O$2999,3, FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP(A2, Sheet2!$A$1:$O$2999,3, FALSE))
Is what I am asking for possible?
If yes, how do I code this
I think Union would give me 2 rows of data for the same suppliers_prods.reference
but I only want one row of data for each suppliers_prods.reference
The reason for the complicated code on query 1 is that I need the latest order date value and this code gets me this.
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