jeudi 30 juin 2016

Laravel 5.1: handle joins with same column names

I'm trying to fetch following things from the database:

  • user name
  • user avatar_name
  • user avatar_filetype
  • complete conversation_messages

with the following query:

    static public function getConversation($id)
    $conversation = DB::table('conversation_messages')
        ->where('belongsTo', $id)
        ->join('users', 'conversation_messages.sender', '=', '')
        ->join('user_avatars', 'conversation_messages.sender', '=', '')
        ->select('', 'conversation_messages.*', '', 'user_avatars.filetype')
    return $conversation;

It works fine so far, but the avatar's column name is 'name' like the column name from the 'users' table. So if I'm using this query the to get the output via $conversation->name, the overwrites the

Is there a way to rename the query output like the mysql "as" feature at laravel 5.1?

For example:



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