mercredi 29 juin 2016

Mongoosejs: Cleanest way to select rows with `limit` and `where`, then get count of total

When I work with PHP and MySQL and I need to select number of rows and then count total (for pagination, for exmaple) I do something like this:

$rows = DB::getRows('
    select * 
    from posts 
    where mode = "published" 
    order by `dateCreated` 
    limit '.$limit.'

and then

$totalRows = DB::getOne('

Easy and simple.

Recently I started to work on nodejs/mongo project and I wonder what is the cleanest way to achieve the same goal with mongoose.

Now my code looks like this:

var result = {};

var sort = {dateCreated: -1};
var skip = limit * (page - 1);

modelClass.find(function (err, items) {

    result.items = items;

    modelClass.find().where('mode').equals('published').count(function (err, total) {
        result.totalItems = total;
        callback([], result);


What I do not Like is that I am repeating myself in .where('mode').equals('published').

Is there a better way to do it?

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