lundi 27 juin 2016

MySQL Query INNER JOIN with aliases

I have two tables: users and users_info

users looks like this:

| id | slug     | name  |
|  1 | theploki | Kris  |

and users_info looks like this:

| id | parent | info_key | info_val      |
|  1 | 1      | email    | |
|  2 | 1      | age      | 28            |

I want to SELECT a user who has user_info email = ''
- and -
return ALL user_info values and users values

Here's the result I'm looking for:

| id | slug     | name  | email         | age |
|  1 | theploki | Kris  | | 28  |

So far the closest I've gotten is with this query:

SELECT users.*, users_info.* FROM users
INNER JOIN users_info on users_info.parent =
where = (SELECT users_info.parent FROM users_info
    WHERE users_info.parent =
    AND users_info.info_val = '')

And it returns this result:

| id | slug     | name  | id | parent | info_key | info_val      |
|  1 | theploki | Kris  |  1 |  1     | email    | |
|  1 | theploki | Kris  |  2 |  1     | age      | 28            |

Obviously I don't need the id of the users_info result and I want each info_key to be the "alias" (or column name) and each info_val to be the value for that "alias".

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