mardi 28 juin 2016

Nodejs (Express) connecting MySQL - Local and Remote connection different?

guys. I am learning how to use Express to connect to remote MySQL. So, I started out doing it on my local machine (a local MySQL server). After I have succeeded on the local environment, I tried changing the the connection to a remote MySQL hosting (at DB4Free). Yes, I have succeeded on the localhost. However, whenever I run a Get/Post to the remote MySQL Server, my console show me the error below. I'll attach the related segment of codes below here. I have been trying it the whole afternoon. Hope that someone here can enlighten on this matter. Thank you in advance guys :)

This is the error shown in my console

enter image description here

My file for connecting db is as below - ConnectionString.js

var mysql = require("mysql");

var pool = mysql.createPool({
        connectionLimit : 100,
        host     : '',
        user     : '******* ',
        password : '*******',
        database : '*******',

exports.getConnection = function(callback) {
  pool.getConnection(function(err, conn) {
    if(err) {
      return callback(err);
    callback(err, conn);

Portion of my file for the routes and query is this

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var mysql      = require('mysql');
var conn = require('../database/ConnectionString');

var result;

//Validate user login
router.get('/login', function(req, res, next) {

            function (err, client) {

                client.query('SELECT * FROM mt_User', function(err, rows) {
                    // And done with the connection.
                        console.log('Query Error');


                    // Don't use the connection here, it has been returned to the pool.



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