vendredi 1 juillet 2016

How do I find all data from a table in a specific month

I am trying to retrieve all data from table in a specific month, my date format in the database table is 2016-06-19 I am need to find with the respect of a selected date, like if I select 2016-05-22 it will retrieve 2016-05-07 to 2016-06-06 interval values from the table. And also to all the values in this month which is 05 month, I am using mysqli with PHP I have tried using this query

SELECT * FROM t_tenancy_details WHERE agreement_date >= DATE_FORMAT( CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 1 MONTH, '%Y/%m/01' )AND agreement_date < DATE_FORMAT( CURRENT_DATE, '%Y/%m/01' )

This works fine for the running month, But problem is that If i select a previous month it does not work. If my question is not perfect please don't down vote me I will loss the eligibility of asking. Thank you.

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